New Contourlines for Europe Continent map – and many European countries

After about 2 years time I've updated the Europe contourlines again. As they are a separate download, and each update may cause confusion - I only update them if there are significant improvements in the altitude data.

The following countries have seen major updates:

Germany (especially the Länder of Brandenburg, Sachsen, Bayern)

Great Britain (especially England, Wales, Northern Ireland - Scotland doesn't have LIDAR data yet as underlying data)

The North of Ireland




Some other countries have seen small updates. Also as mkgmap the map compiler was improved - the data size of the contourlines has decreased by about 10% even if the details are still identical.

While under Windows for the Europe continent map the installer will complain if you try to install the Europe map without the updated contourlines download - under macOS you will have to update manually and not forget about it.


I've incorporated all altitude data from Sonny that was published since the last updates:

(where there is no LIDAR based data by Sonny, as always I use ALOS World 3D as the main altitude data, and viewfinderpanoramas data for the areas north of N60 and South of S60).

Winter Layout/Design – OpenMTBMap

Just a quick note - now the OpenMTBmap features a winter layout for winter sports - it was better this way then integrating it into the hiking layout.

And if you need a Garmin Oregon 700 or Etrex 35 touch - has them heavily discounted today for Black Friday. That's pretty rare to find them that cheap. Edge 520 is also really cheap - but I don't recommend it to be used with maps - it's simply too slow (edge 530/830/1030 are not on offer). If so the edge explore is also pretty cheap - it's better than the 520 Plus and for using maps it's pretty fine too. It's main problem - no compass/altimeter.


Als kurzer Update Hinweis - Loipen, Rodelabfahrten und Skitourens sind nicht wie angekündigt im hiking Layout der OpenMTBMap - sondern im eigenen Winter Layout. So muss ich da nichts ändern je nach Jahreszeit.

Und falls wer ein neues Garmin braucht - heute am Black Friday hat die Oregon 700 und etrex touch 35 stark reduziert - die gibt es fast nie so günstig (leider edge 830 welches das dritte empfehlenswerte Garmin wäre - nicht reduziert. Und bitte kein edge 520 plus kaufen - dass ist einfach zu langsam). Die besseren 530/830/1030 sind leider nicht im Angebot. Es gibt noch das edge explore im Angebot - das wäre eigentlich super - aber es fehlen halt Kompass (Richtung im Stand damit nicht sichtbar) und Höhenmesser (GPS Höhenmessung ist ziemlich unexakt). Sonst wäre es sehr empfehlenswert.