22 February Map Updates – First Time all Maps with Housenumber Search Support

(German - Deutsche - Translation hier )Woohaa, todays openmtbmap and velomap update brings, for the first time: Adress search down to housenumber accuracy! This is the first time  for OSM created Garmin Maps. Big Thanks to the devs (mainly WanMil and Steve) who made that possible and published the first working beta version of mkgmap 3 days ago. So now all adresses that are tagged with addr:housenumber and add:street are now searchable. I must admit, I had expected this to happen already 1 to 2 years ago, but now it's here. Not all addresses in OSM are tagged this way, but the support is sure to be extended in future.

This only leaves proper overview maps missing on the feature side of what is possible with the old Non NT map format from Garmin and not yet implemented in the openmtbmaps.


I will update the full Europe Map tomorrow too (downloadable from Saturday updated), so you can enjoy proper address search with housenumbers.

You can also see the housenumbers as a popup now (if in OSM):


New Easy Layout - I spent nearly one week trying out and working on this new layout. It is now based on wide layout, and really makes an easy and simple to understand map layout. (tracks are red, pathes if not paved are brown). Also I made the forests greener - so it's aimed at leaving the trails and venture through unknown terrain. So for everyone who thinks the openmtbmap layout is too complicated, give this a shot (it's been implemented since 2 weeks).


MTB Routes are now brownish colour - I do think mtb routes are an important part of any mtb map, but to be blunt - in most places mtb routes are nothing but boring if you are on a full-suspension bike. Therefore they are now not sticking out of the map layout so much anymore, and make the map more pleasing too look at (less distraction).


I hid the links to the outdated and old CCBSA2.0 maps a bit on the website. I noticed quite a few people unintentionally got the old maps, not knowing what CCBYSA and odbl is about. I will still leave them online for a couple of month, but I think there is nowhere in the world, where the old maps still have much reason to be preferred. (especially on the Europe map this caused some confusion).



Here's the rest of the main changes:

reinclude amenity=parking

mtbroutes of low importance, not anymore visible in resolution 19. All mtbroutes shown one zoom level later.

Change text label sizes to invisble for service roads, unclassifieds, all tracks, roundabouts and steps. Also remove 20m lines text label. ( I do hope the broken firmwares due to why I did this once are not in use anymore)

Add natural=... grassland, reef, desert and cape. Remove natural=* (unknown).

and lots of other very minor changes.



Oh and if you like the Openmtbmaps - don't forget to donate after your next map download. Thanks if you already did so!


Map Updates and News – 18 January 2012

(für Deutsch - bitte dem Link oben folgen und den Artikel auf openmtbmap.org/de lesen) - Well long time no see, here are News from Openmtbmap and Velomap again. I know it's been a long time, but I just didn't find the time to write down all the news during the last weeks. Largely responsible for this is also, that as I couldn't really do sports over the last 8 weeks, due to my ankle still not fully recovered, I fell into a bit of a motivationless hole. But well, in 1-2 weeks my ankle will have recovered so far, that I can go mtbiking, skiing and boarding again - I just hope that there will be another big fall of snow - like the last 2 days here in Vienna, where around 30cm of snow came down even downtown.

My main work during the last weeks, was focussed on bugfixing on the server side, and on making the maps for Mac OSX easier to use -  here is now a guide for Dummies on Mac OSX


Besides the Newssection below the picture - I put up a promotion special - hoping to convert some of the readers of this newsletter to donate a bit to openmtbmap. If you're already a member - the news continue after the picture.


As a winter special - and for everyone who would like to to try out the premium maps, or the Mac OSx maps - here is the openmtbmap email subscriber promotion: Get 4 month premium membership for just €8.99 - This offer is only valid for payment via Paypal and people subscribed to the openmtbmap/velomap newsletter - please click the following link:

link removed (this offer is valid until Sunday 27. January 2013)



Thanks a lot for your Support - I promise to continue supporting Openmtbmap and Velomap as much as I can - even during bike trips:



So here the main visible changes over the last 8 weeks - additionally I did quite a lot of bugtracking on mkgmap and my build scripts - so that errors are less likely in case of corrupted data, or other crashes.

New Features / News :

-- After extending the Mac OSx downloads to cover all countries, just like the Windows Installers, I worked a lot on improving the format, and making the installation as easy as possible - also for those countries where it is not practical to put the contourlines into the same download package. So for all Mac OSx users - here is now a description for dummies - showing really every click you need to do: tutorials/install-maps-mac-osx/

Velomap: avoid steps only with toll=yes, not with avoid unpaved roads...

Add dav_scale for corrections against sac_scale (not used much yet though...)

add place=isolated_dwelling

remove military from resolution 24 (will be shown in resolution 22 and 21 only - so huge military areas are less of an map obstruction)

Add amenity=clinic, add natural=hill, consider backcountry=yes for campsites, and tent=yes for caravan sites. Better naming of amenity=fuel

Remove cemetary=yes from polygons. Add waterway=canal, waterway=drain and waterway=stream also as polygon. Add back landuse=field - but show it very very decent (mainly visible on PC - too low contrast for GPS by default).

Consider vehicle:forward=no, and bicycle:backward=yes. Also consider bicycle=dismount

add highway abandoned / disused when analysing tags on roads.

water=pond resolution 23 not 22 (add exception).

Footways, better classification if not usable for bikes  and make them less visible.

shop=sports and sports centre less visible (resolution 23/24 instead of 22).

Don't render leisure=* and tourism=* as wildcard anymore for unknown values. Added some more values (all top 20 included).

Add rules for Slovakia and Czech Republic for Kraj and Okres substitution.


update tinted background colour in high contrast typfiles (there was a typo that got copied over - only noticeable on newer GPS, older converted to white anyhow).

fix many bugs on the Mac OSx maps - mainly about address search.

fix bug mountain_pass=yes not rendered...

Fix Error that Asia Installation was not possible to send to GPS (mdx/mdr in registry but not actually present).