This topic just for reference. I advise to use the "create_mapsource_installationfiles_with_mkgmap.bat" or "create_mapsource_installationfiles.bat" instead.
The principle of gmaptool when using the GUI version (gmaptool.exe) is very easy. First you select all *img that you want to integrate into your new mapset in Explorer/Commander and drag it into the main Window. Then you select an operation at the top. To use it you have to know some Vocabs first however. I won't explain computer basics here. They are needed to use gmaptool. It's not clickibunti.
I will explain the easiest way to use it here, there are many other ways to achieve the goal with gmaptool - as gmaptool is very powerful.
Overview Image: Usually named mapset00.img. Needed to show maps in Mapsource. Can be generated by maptk or cgpsmapper. Same as Preview Map.
Preview Map: Same as overview image. Different Term for the same thing.
TDB File: The File that holds the information which *img belong to the mapset
Mapset: An assortment of map tiles (*.img) that is joined together by .tdb, overview image (mapset00.img), and .mdx. An example is openmtbmap_at, while openmtbmap_de would be another mapset.
FID - Familiy ID. This is a number between 100 and 9999 (please don't use any other values, while in principle they do work, they might bring forward problems). Every Mapset needs an unique ID. You should use Mapsettoolkit to check for the FID of other maps installed to your computer so that you don't choose a FID that has been taken already.
PID - Product ID: Allways set to "1"
TYPFile: File that holds the information about how map objects are displayed. Can be changed to please different tastes. Ends with .typ. maps need a typfile. Some maps like City Navigator also look o.k. without typfile.
Get maptk and enter the path to it on the options tab. You could also use cgpsmapper, but maptk usually works better (isn't that the reason why you use gmaptool instead of mapset toolkit in first place?).
Enable "Advanced Options" in the options tab too. You don't need experimental options (if you read this guide, you obviously don't want to enable them).
Generating a preview map and install.bat to install maps to Mapsource:
1. Drag and Drop all *img you want to include into gmaptool main window. Also drop in the TYPFile. Watch out to not include the overwiew image. If you want to integrate contourlines, you want to drag them as well as the maps into here. If you want to you can combine maps of several countries. Note that this will not enable Autorouting over boarders, but it will enable you to see the maps at the same time in Mapsource without needing to change the mapset.
2. Click the tab "Split" and choose an directory which is empty to which gmaptool can send the maps.
3. Select in the drop down menu: Create Files for Mapsource
4. Check "Compile Preview Map".
5. Set Mapset FID to a value not used (use mapsettoolkit to check), set PID to 1.
6. Select Add empty DEM if you wan't to be able to display the maps with Basecamp. (experimental option?)
7. Click on "Split all" . and let gmaptool do the work
-- You don't want to check any of the following but leave them empty: "Limit Preview Map", "Limit Mapset Area", "Set Code Page" or "Create TDB v3 when possible".
If in doubt click on "?" to see gmaptool help.
--- Now you can go to the folder you specified and run install.bat. Remeber again, it needs admin rights.
If the colors are wrong, then this means your typfile was not included. This is the case if the fid/pid of the typfile are not the same as the ones of the maps. In that case use mapsettoolkit to add the typfile to the maps (and change the FID/PID of the typfile automatically after confirmation).
Additional notes for SRTM Contourlines Installation:
I recommend to keep to seperate folders. One for the standard openmtbmap_austria installation, and a second one for the srtm files (plus the current openmtbmap_austria tiles). So unzip the srtm files to any folder you like, copy (don't move) the openmtbmap_austria map tiles (all files ending with ".img" and having a 8 digit filename (i.e. 63660001.img, but not mapset00.img!) also in that folder.
Also copy the mtbat.TYP file into the folder. However you have to rename it, so there is no conflict in your GPS (Mapsource will tolerate you not renaming it - but the maps may display wrong) be carefull, maximum 8 characters are allowed. I named it srtmat.TYP Then follow the above guide. You will have to set a mapID - I would recommend using 6365 if it is not yet used (openmtbmap_italy uses 6367), but you may use any other number from 100-9999. Don't use 6366 as this the number the openmtbmap_austria uses.
After clikcing on "START" you will get a notice saying that the FID and PID of the .TYP File are wrong and you will be asked if it should be changed. Click Yes on that question. Then you have can send the maps either with or without contourlines to your GPS (or send both versions, and then upon use enable the one you want using the map setup window of your GPS.
Please Note: the *.img files containing the contourlines must be named higher than the maps containing the background polygon. Otherwise the will not show in Mapsource if you include them into the same .tdb. This was wrong in the SRTM Contourlines offered for Austria (update available as of 10.08.2009). Simply rename those tiles from 6224 to 7224 and redo the installation (either with mapsettoolkit or gmaptool --> which I do prefer by now for map installation) or download the srtm files again.
Updating the Maps
Updating your standard openmtbmap installations is as easy as overwriting the old files. For installs of maps including the SRTM contourlines this is a bit more difficult. In case the number/naming of tiles changes, you need to delete the old *.tdb and the old mapset00.img (generated by cgpsmapper) in your SRTM installation folder, then overwrite the old tiles (*.img) with the newer ones and follow the above installation again.
You will also have to do this when after updating the maps - on sending the maps to the GPS with Mapsource, Mapsource complains about an error (usually somethin like there are only 1000MB of free space on your GPS, you try to send 200MB of maps - notice that the second number is smaller - this indicates that the mapset00.img is not working for your maps and needs to be regenerated).
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