Velomap Updates 24 Feb.

Finally I have spent quite a lot of time improving the style-file again. Especially on the Velomap.


So first for the VeloMap. I have adapted the "traditional" map design of the openmtbmap map to the velomap. As there are less details to be shown, the velomap is even nicer to look at on a big screen now. I also updated the old velomap .typfile to be a bit more harmonic and showcase the differences in road / cycleway / path / footway / track less distinct but easier to grasp and corrected many many little bugs that I found (e.g. some roads did not show because of unrecognised surface values).

I also adapted the create_gmapsupp and create_mapsource_installationfiles batch files to work. However please note, that I advise you to first uninstall old velomaps - before installing new versions - because I changed the familiy IDs. This means the update will run clean, BUT the old maps will neither be overwritten, nor be uninstalled from mapsource (and hence only clutter mapsource map display, and your harddisk). Note that if you install the new updates into the same folder as the old maps, and then afterwards running the old uninstaller might cause damage to the new maps (forcing you to reinstall the new maps).

Note while all openmtbmap maps, will be downloadable from tomorrow, I think most VeloMap map updates will only be available from Friday onwards - as the mirror will sync too early to catch the updated maps. This will also in future be often the case.


For the openmtbmap I corrected missing river lines in some zoom resolutions, increased the size of the bicycle=no symbols for primaries/secondaries, and as for the velomap moved some more polygons to show at lower (18 and 19) resolutions. Also I reworked the "military" key and design. As more and more fences and hedges show up, I decided to render only those which have a name - as in general they simply obstruct the comprehensibility of the map. Also reworked when and how secondaries first appear.

The biggest change for the openmtbmap is a new color scheme to get rid of blue ways. I did this for the "clas" .typfile only right now, please give feedback in comments on how you like it in comparison to the standard colors / other .typfiles.


VeloMaps will be updated and working by 16.2.

Just a short note, will extend it later. I decided to compile the VeloMaps myself - and host them together with the openmtbmaps on GWDG for download. That means the VeloMaps get the much better Openmtbmap installer and will be updated once weekly or so.

First countries are uploaded already waiting to be synced at 03:00 from GWDG. Most countries will not be online however before 16.2 4AM though.

Update: I have changed the downnload links on the download page. Maps should be available by Wednesday 16. Feb. 5AM. Contourline map integration is not yet working.


The installer already has the option for the Mapsource/Qlandkarte GT typfile, but I have not yet adapted it for the VeloMaps. Might do that once I feel like I want to do it. Twas already bout 8hrs of work changing my scripts so that the VeloMaps can be rendered in the same go with the Openmtbmaps.