7. April – letzte CCBYSA 2.0 Karten Updates

Well so after a few weeks without notices here comes a big update and notice. As this update will be the last one that is based on CCBYSA 2.0 data (acutally the same data as last week) I have put a lot of effort in creating maps with as few errors as possible, and best usability.


Contourlines now Worldwide Available:

There are now contourlines for: Slovenia, Ukraine, Turkey, Estonia, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Serbia, Cyprus, Malta, Isle_of_Man, Azores, Faroe_Islands, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monacco and Macedonia.

And outside Europe: Iceland, Morocco, Madagascar, Israel and Palestine.


I'll still add over the folowing days contourlines for Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina inside Europe (then all Europe country maps have contourlines) and Somalia, Libya, Tanzania for Africa.


Well and my longtime goal was to provide contourlines for the whole world and with the above list only one big country/continent is missing. Namely Asia. But even with 25m intervals instead of 20m intervals, the full Asia contourlines amount to a whopping 9.4GB or 6GB 7zipped ( get it here ) , but will not integrate it into the map of Asia. You can of course install it into Mapsource/Basecamp/Qlandkarte GT and select areas out of it that you need. Just be careful not to select too much (4GB max size problem, 2000 tiles max on your GPS problem - as Asia contourlines complete is 1160 tiles). There is no installer and I assume if you want to use it, you know how to use them (tdb and overview img are of course included).

Next week I'll upload Asia in three parts (31-80°; 80-130° and 130-180°) so size/download is smaller. Of course this will also not be integrated.


I'm also heavily working on removing the few bugs remaining in Austria/Germany (and consequently Alps) contourlines. For France this is done already so the contourlines of France for this update have to errors less.



Other Improvements:

I spend quite a lot of time to iron out errors, especially on the address search (e.g. address search in Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen or Wien should work now as expected). So address search should work better on all Europe country maps. Also I used a european coastline file, so sea has less holes (and I hope no flooding at all). I too again went through most used keys for natural and landuse, and included some common misspellings and some new values. Other things I added were some more food values (e.g. swabian food), natural=col/natural=saddle and scenic=yes for autorouting priority.

Well and also other errors have been corrected over the last few weeks (e.g. up to middle of March, if you selected to include a contourlines only map, but not integrate the contourlines into the map, the contourlines only map would be blank and other small annoyances). Also some improvements to the Desktop layout were done and I did further work on the naming of skislopes and included big skislopes also again into the Velomap.


BTW: many European countries have by now already very very good coverage. In quality OSM maps have always been great, but also in data quantity in many countries second to last generation of Garmin maps have been overtaken. E.g. Austria is 225MB now including contourlines, vs the best Austrian map of Garmin (Topo Österreich 1.11) at only 170MB - as the newest Topo Austria is including so much junk data that it became unusable. Even with autorouting data excluded at 179MB, the Openmtbmap Austria is still bigger than the Topo Austria 1.11. Also Germany with currently 1.3GB is approaching the 1.55GB of the Topo Germany v2/v3 (which is more or less identical if the Digital Elevation Model is taken out). France is similar and in the BeNeLux the quantity of OSM data is anyhow mostly superior to any other topo maps.


Oh yeah, and I haven't forgotten the promised tutorial videos. They will come pretty soon....



Future Updates under Odbl:

Well now the change to Odbl data is more and more complete. Soon Geofabrik should go online with "cleaned" new data. As there will be many many holes and data quality at least for the first few month degraded, I will leave the CCBYSA maps of tomorrow online for the next 3-12month (depending on the country, if needed longer). If There is a chance to get country extracts of CCBYSA 2.0 from FOSM I will use that data to update the CCBYSA 2.0 maps sporadically also in future.

In order for you to find the separate maps, as soon as I have rendered odbl compatible maps, I will setup a new download page dedicated to odbl based Openmtmaps/Velomaps. I excpect this to happen next week.



Incompatibility of Velomap and Openmtbmap on newer GPS devices if same country is sent both times including contourlines

Please note, as there were quite a few people reporting errors, I assume that this is due to sending both the velomap and the openmtbmap of the same country both times including contourlines.



Please Support Openmtbmap and Velomap by Donating some coins...

As it's a lot of work to run Openmtbmap and Velomap, and keep everything up to date and up to best possible technology, I ask you to donate some coins toward it if you haven't done so yet. Simply donate a bit after your next install of openmtbmap/velomap when you see the donation page. For people who already donated money, and want to prolong their account I'll soon set up a separate page for them. Also you will be reminded to stock up by email before your account expires and instructions on how to prolong it (7-14 days before it runs out).

Velomap Down 09.01.2012

Hi Everyone. Just a quick note. Today my server crashed badly when upgrading opensuse from 11.4 to 12.1 (actually the whole /boot folder and other folders/data got reset or deleted). I spent most of today playing in backups and most things are up again. Note however that it is possible that some countries tomorrow may not be downloadable (especially velomap). Also possible map of Europe will be missing - other premium maps (north America..) will be available however.

Hallo allerseits, eine kurze Notiz.. Mir ist heute der Server gecrashed, und openmtbmap/velomap waren down. Ich hab den Server neu aufsetzen müssen // backups einspielen und die Website sollte inzwischen wieder (fast) vollständig funktionieren. Evtl werden die Kartendownloads (insbesondere Velomap) Morgen nicht online sein. Europa Premium Download könnte Morgen auch down sein, die Nordamerikakarten und andere sind dagegen schon wieder online.